
  1. J

    Tomorrow, r/dogs will also join the subreddit blackout in protesting Reddit’s recent actions

    Hello all, Tomorrow, r/dogs will be joining the rest of the participating subreddits in an organized blackout as protest against Reddit’s recent actions with regard to third party apps and API usage. Our decision is unanimous amongst the active moderator team and was made after careful...
  2. L

    Thank you Puppy010! All of you are getting me through this!

    What a rollercoaster is has been! Thank you all for keeping me sane. You provide me with advice, peptalks and a venting place. Reading your stories gives me inspiration and it helps me to put my own experiance in perspective (reactive outside but thank god we’re sleeping through the night!)...
  3. S

    So you got a puppy... The weeks after Christmas Edition..

    Hi there! Every year around this time, r/puppy101 sees an influx of new community members. We generally see a 5-10k rise in views around the holidays and this past year has indeed been interesting as we saw we doubled on Covid.... 1.4mil to 3.5 views.