happy news/update

  1. W

    Update to My Poodle and Tibetan Mastiff Mix being destructive

    Hey everyone, I really appreciated this sub as it helped me a lot! I didn’t get a lot of advice on my post that helped me, but other posts definitely did. I just wanted to share what worked for us if it can help anyone else! Disclaimer: This works for us because we have 2 bedrooms. We were...
  2. B

    Found an amazing website which has really helped me as a dog owner

    I randomly came across a great website called Woofs & Wellness www.woofsandwellness.com and I cannot believe what a good find it is!! I struggle a lot with anxiety and I’ve been chatting to other dog owners in their chat room which has made me feel less alone. I don’t tend to post on Reddit but...
  3. E

    New Dog Owner Here

    Hi, all. Recently separated dad of 3. Just adopted a 1-yr-old pup from my local shelter. He’s right around 50lbs, he’s been on anxiety medication while he was in the shelter, but I’m hopeful that life with me will be calm and loving.