
  1. R

    Reassurance - Kennel Cough

    Our 1-year-old mutt (she turns 1 on Saturday :)) has what we believe is kennel cough. It developed about 18 hours ago, with a hacking every 15 minutes or so. 3-4 times she's coughed up about a quarter size of white foam. Beyond this, she's been her normal energetic self, and has had no loss of...
  2. W

    This is mostly a rant post on animal abuse, since I don’t think there’s anything else I can do… 😔

    Apologies in advance for the long post, but this is the only place full of people who understand.. I have a family member who’s a narcissist that loves to use being a doctor as an excuse for her entitlement. She buys people & things bc she cares a lot what others on the “outside” think of her...
  3. J

    Adolescence is hard

    Today while out training my 1.6yo gsd x lab we were caught off guard by a man and a small dog. Before I could react fast enough he’d yanked me over onto the wet and muddy grass. I just sat there for a minute in disbelief before tearing up. I spilled all the treats, so we couldn’t continue, and...
  4. M

    The deepest pain

    I needed somewhere to put my feelings so I apologize in advance for the length of this. Feel free to drop to the 🖤 to skip context. Yesterday, I had to put my dog down. He was the sweetest boy with so much energy. So much that I felt out of my depth at times like maybe I wasn't the right person...
  5. M

    Leash your f***ing dogs

    My 3yo female German Shepherd, Molly, just had to protect me on our walk. She's been attacked by other dogs before, and one dog even leaped over their fence to get to Molly. She didn't used to be on guard all the time, but after one dog came straight for me and tried to bite me, she's since...