
  1. A

    [Fluff] I finally gave my dog the best week of his life

    I have a golden lab husky mix that was born in January 2020. He is extremely social. He love dogs and people. Sadly, because of Covid, he dont get lots of play time with other people/dogs. Me and my GF are playing with him daily, but its not enough. Since Friday i have been off work just as...
  2. L

    [Fluff] Happy 12th Birthday, Amaze-Bobb! My two-legged wonder dog

    WARNING I'm giving background first which is horrific, skip to the next paragraph for the happy bits! Two years ago, animal control took a tiny, broken, extremely matted senior toy poodle away from his neglectful elderly owner. Graphic sad photo of his condition when taken by animal control. It...
  3. W

    [help] dog birthday cake recipes?

    hey guys! I was looking for some easy limited ingredient dog cake recipes! my pug is turning 9 on Sunday June 4th and i wanted to know some of your guys favorite recipes. i know i can search this up but some of those websites just ain't trust worthy... thanks so much guys and pls wish my gurl a...
  4. D

    Never knew I’d love sleeping with a dog so much

    Growing up I had dogs but as a family rule they were never to be in beds and were mainly kept outside. They had nice big dog houses and a doggie dog but my dogs all slept outside. When I got older, dogs slowly came inside but still slept in their own bed. About four months ago I took in a...
  5. A

    [Fluff] It never hurts to ask for another X-ray... it saved my dog’s life

    Okay, so I’ll start this off by talking about my pup. He turns 1 year old as of March 31, about a year ago I asked everyone’s opinion on getting a GSD that had been hurt by his dog father and had his eye knocked out. Well, I went against most recommendations and took the pup, he’s the sweetest...
  6. H

    [Fluff] Nearly ten years into having a dog, and I am still confounded by two things

    [1] Why the smells at the end of the leash are so fascinating? I can at least imagine that not being able to reach a smell might be frustrating, but still. I walk far enough over so he can actually smell and then we stand there forever while he roots around. Doesn't happen within the leash's...
  7. L

    [Fluff] This is Michael, an abandoned Samoyed

    I live in Bangladesh, a small country. Recently I started a new job, from the office balcony, where I usually go to have a smoke or two, I can see an empty space(belongs to one of the largest company in Bangladesh). One day, I see a white fluffy doggo, looking for food all the time, the guards...
  8. H

    [Fluff] My 2nd Kishu Ken Litter Has Arrived!

    I had my second Kishu Ken litter yesterday on April 3rd, 2017. KIshu Ken are a rare breed, still uncommon in their country of origin (Japan.) This is only the 6th litter registered with the Japanese preservation society that has been born outside of Japan since the breed's standardization in...
  9. T

    [fluff] My little rescue dog came to cuddle with me for the first time today!

    My little pup had been with me for about 5 weeks now, and he only really sleeps in his bed, his crate, and on his blankets. He seems to have really appreciated having a few dedicated spots where he can sleep and chill. Sometimes on the weekend after our early morning walk I’ll sit with him...
  10. G

    I don’t deserve my dog

    I’m sitting at the bottom of my stairs taking a break from house chores on a beautiful Fourth of July. I rest my head on a step looking up at the ceiling just enjoying the music playing in my ears. My dog watches me and then goes up a couple of steps and looks down over my face, we lock eyes...
  11. M

    [Fluff] Does your country have dog naming "rules"?

    In France, it's S year. All pedigree dogs, cats, sheep, cows, and goats born this year need to have a name starting with S (except for horses, apparently it's L year). Also K, Q, W, X, Y, and Z are never used, because it's too difficult to find names. My dog's not a pedigree, so he goes by...
  12. G

    [Fluff] You're not ready for a dog. And that's O.K

    Hi everybody. This might be long. I've written to this sub a few times over the past month or so about my adoption journey. It's had it's ups and downs, with so much research and second guessing myself, almost adopting before a foster decided they couldn't part with the pup, then finally taking...
  13. X

    [fluff] does anyone else's dog like watching t.v.?

    I discovered a few weeks ago that my dog will stare at a t.v. intently for up to an hour when I was watching 102 dalmations and she was really into it, so I've been testing it. She really prefers cartoons, especially if the cartoons have dogs in it ( pup patrol is a favorite, shes actually...
  14. A

    Do you agree that our past dogs choose our future dogs?

    My first dog was a rather insecure male Jack Russell, he needed lots of love and attention. His name was A. Then we got a female jack Russell, she was all self confident and loves the family. Her name was H My female jack Russell (H) passed away when she was about 12, she was very sick, but no...
  15. J

    [Fluff] This bill introduced by Congress would make Animal Cruelty a felony across the U.S
