
  1. T

    chew recommendations

    Our baby (corgi cardigan 9m) loves chew treats, but a lot of them last such a small amount of time for her. We found a coffee tree stick that she loves here I was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations for an avid chewer? Also the coffee tree stick is calorie neutral. What do you...
  2. D

    A recipe for treats (I made over 1000 just now, super easy and quick!)

    There was a post by /@wildatheart41 which I commented on here, talking about how I made baby food, cream of wheat, and milk powder treats. I just made a batch in the pyramid trays I was talking about and it's a success! 1018 treats -- 509 per batch -- in about 40 minutes (and I go kinda slow)...
  3. C

    My dog just won’t run out of energy

    Have a golden retriever-he is the sweetest couch potato who will walk happily beside you on walks. Bought another golden retriever-absolute suck that needs 100 percent of your attention and love 24/7 or gets upset and just doesn’t run out of energy and seems to never gain any weight on him. I...
  4. J

    Dog doesn’t play with other dogs?

    I have a 5 year old pom who tolerates other dogs but doesn’t know or isn’t interested in playing with other dogs even though they’re trying to play with him. Why is that? Edit: he’s not in any pain all of his issues are addressed I guess he just doesn’t like other dogs lol
  5. D

    Bonding with a 6-7 month old dog

    I have been very close to my dog since we got him, but due to work pressure, my partner had a few weeks where she was sat with him most of the time. Now I noticed he is quite distant from me, doesn’t want to be pet by me, maybe just play, what kind of things can I do to earn back that bond...
  6. S

    I just wanted to say i love my dog more than the world

    Legit might be dead without her, she's my best friend.
  7. A

    guilty about not treating my dog right

    my dog is about 10 now. i’m pretty sure he’s healthy (he’s getting a check up soon) so he should still have a few more years with us. i got him when i was pretty young (about 7-8) and i was young so i couldn’t walk him by myself or anything. nowadays i try to walk him more but then i get worried...
  8. O

    Share your best DIY puppy puzzles!

    I need some new ideas for DIY puzzles to entertain my pup - shes clever enough that buying anything would be a waste, so I try and make what I can. Heres what I've tried and tested so far: Homemade snuffle mat - cut up old strips of fleece and threaded them through an old rubber mat. Super...
  9. M

    How many toys for 4 month old heavy chewing pup (35 lb)

    Dear all, our four month old is very playful. A.k.a. very destructive. Chews and shreds absolutely everything from my sandals to cardboard to puppy pee pads. I spent over $100 on toys and those last like five minutes. Can you please tell me how many toys does a four month old puppy actually...
  10. S

    Plush Squeaky Toys For an Aggressive Chewer?

    my pet dog Spark absolutely loves her first toy, a plush squeaky giraffe called Garry. [[product: https...