
  1. T

    Trick of the Month - March 2021 - Shake Head 'No'

    Welcome to the Trick of the Month! This month we'll be teaching our dogs to shake their heads 'no' (side to side). Here's how it works: Teach a dog the trick. Film the dog performing the trick. Upload a video/picture to the internet. Post a link to video or pictures of your results here in...
  2. C

    [Discussion] Trick of the Month February 2018 - Crawl!

    Hello everyone! Welcome to February's Trick of the Month! I decided to go with crawl this month. It's simple but hey it's a short month and last month's trick was hard (for me haha). Full disclosure, Wendy loves to army crawl when she wants to say hi to a stranger but I've never tried to...