
  1. D

    [Breeds] What is this magical creature? (Except vampire)

    she's 5 month
  2. P

    [Breeds] Please help us choose a breed, Q&A inside!

    Introduction Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs? YES!!!! Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a reputable breeder? Breeder pls Describe your ideal dog. Our ideal dog is a basket of snuggles and fun. But really, we...
  3. R

    [Breeds] Is this a Papillon?

    Not sure what breed this dog is, but it looks like a papillion. Can someone confirm this, or if its another breed can you tell me what kind it is. Thanks :)
  4. J

    [Breed] What's in here?

    I'll be getting this puppy soon and I'm a bit afraid of what breed it is, as to me looks a potential Doberman, even though the markings are too light to be one. These pictures is her as a puppy: here and here and here I just found a picture of the mother here Here are all the siblings! 1 2...