biting and teething

  1. R

    Stubborn Puppy Help

    I’ve had my pup for about two weeks now and he is e x h a u s t i n g and stubborn as all get out. I am trying to teach him not to eat my plants and his bed and he looks at me, I sit back down on the couch for .2 seconds and he starts at it again. He also bites me when he gets in a certain...
  2. B

    Insane last 24 hours..

    Don't you hate it when you're taking your puppy for a walk and training them on commands (such as "leave it") and random strangers interfere with you? Well hoo-boy lemme tell you a story. Olive (14 wk, female, GR) and I (single guy with a good job ladies!) went for an evening walk yesterday and...
  3. T

    Help!!! My 9 week old puppy won’t stop biting me

    Brought my puppy home last week, all was fine, the biting started so I tried to use the owwww technique and walking away, made the mistake of trying to pick up his ball that slid under the couch he got me good in the ear. It bled, anyway now he won’t stop biting me. I was able to play with home...
  4. M

    D E S P E R A T E for help? Or am I impatient?

    I have my boy, Chip, who is just about 12 weeks (maybe 13) old. He's an Elkhound/Daschund/Beagle mix, which is a fancy way of saying that he's a biting demon. There is no exorcism that I feel would help him. He bites with the force of a thousand suns. I'm an experienced dog owner, but I guess...
  5. K

    Accidentally yelled and screamed at my 9 week old puppy, she’s scared of me now. How do I fix this?

    By accidentally, I mean she was playing rough and bit me to where it actually hurt. I have a very low pain tolerance and screamed and yelled because of how bad it hurt. I wasn’t trying to scream or yell at her, I wasn’t trying to get mad at her, but now she’s scared of me. I have never been like...
  6. 1

    Is it possible my puppy is overstimulated by the tv?

    Hi there! Just got a new pup and he is 13 weeks old cavalier 😘 absolutely adorable. At night time he gets really worked up and bitey. Nothing works to stop him. It's like a few hours of chaos until we go to bed. At first we thought, a) overtired v) excited by both of us home c) teething. Did...
  7. M

    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    Our labradoodle girl has always been a chomping nightmare, the teething period was relentless, she goes through chews in minutes. She’s definitely improved in many ways, she knows a lot of commands, has good recall etc. She’s nowhere near as bitey as she was when she was younger but the...
  8. J

    Sweet Angel to Tiny Satan - 8/9 Week Old Husky Puppy is a Terror

    We brought him home last weekend. He took to his kennel quick and asks to be put in there when he wants in. He's starting to alert when he needs to go outside with minimal accidents. He plays a lot and sleeps a lot. The problem? Three times this week he has become aggressive, and at first it...
  9. C

    Balancing destructive chewing and encouraging Independence for 8 m/o dog?

    Seperation anxiety is an ongoing issue with our pup, and after he stayed with my parents at their house over the weekend weekend, where he was allowed to roam everywhere without puppy gates/closed doors (including in the backyard) with no supervision, we realized that this type of independence...
  10. S

    How old is my puppy according to teeth development???

    So, my puppy was rescued at about mid September and theoretically, he was about a month old. I got him mid November which would make him about two months old and he would be around 4 months and a bit by now. What keeps me awake is that I have asked several vets about how old he is and have been...
  11. S

    Look at all these toofers lost in the last 36 hours!!!

    It's crazy! I read on here that rapid teefies loss is normal for teething. here's the teeth here's my 4 month old puppy
  12. R

    4 m.o. puppy uncontrollable. Any tips?

    4 month old puppy is so hyper. Runs around the house ruining and breaking things and bites everything. When we try to calm her down, she bites our hands and its deep enough to leave a mark but not deep enough for our hands to bleed. She was hyper before but not this much. Now, everytime we touch...
  13. J

    Teething puppy help.. please

    My puppy won’t stop biting e v e r y t h i n g. He’s a 12 week old German Shepard mix. Are there any amazing toys or bones that he will rather chew than my legs and hands?? Any suggestions are welcome!!!