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  1. D

    I’d like to glean insight from those of you who feed human food DIY style

    @robkatch78 Thanks for the insight! I won’t have the time to feed the way you do bc I have two small kids and a lot on my plate as an often frequently solo parent doing it on my own. When you say “bone” though, what do you mean? Just bone broth or something else? and what is offal?
  2. D

    I’d like to glean insight from those of you who feed human food DIY style

    As some may know from my recent post, I’m trying to take my 6 y/o princess off kibble asap and get her to lose some good amount of weight. Here’s what I’d love to know: 1) How often and how much do you feed your dog? 2) What do you feed your dog? (protein sources, veggies, grain or no grain?)...