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  1. J

    Our guidance to House Visitors with our reactive dog. Yes we ask them to read before they come in

    @romans82 I usually tell people to ignore her until she stops barking. If she starts to sniff the guest I give them the bag of treats and tell them to sit on the floor and toss them too her. When she’s more relaxed people just sit where they want and by the end of the night she’s usually pawing...
  2. J

    Our guidance to House Visitors with our reactive dog. Yes we ask them to read before they come in

    @romans82 My sister in law did this to my sister. My sister told the kids not to touch the dog because he gets anxious with new people but he’s totally fine if you just leave him alone. Guess what the kids did? Touched the dog and got nipped. Fuck around and find out right? My SIL was an asshole...