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  1. K

    I think I need a new training facility

    @xhale1987 Re. Other classmates, that’s something you should address with the trainer and/or just ignore; they aren’t the one teaching. Try to ignore them. And perhaps the other trainer’s class doesn’t include that person, or their training style is more suited to you, and that’s why they’re...
  2. K

    Rescue dog won’t sleep in crate overnight

    @righteoustales You need to take him out on leash, make sure he is relieving himself and then take him back to the crate/bed. He’s abusing his privileges otherwise and goofing off, which is self reinforcing. As others said, rule out medical issues/behavioral medication and make sure he’s on a...
  3. K

    Dog pinned 1 year old

    @welshchild This does not sound like a situation where you can take a chance. Even with training, there are no guarantees. One mistake could mean everything. The only way to guarantee your child’s safety is to rehome this dog.
  4. K

    Question about the sun's purpose / future

    @ayopaul Have you tried/are you able to afford hydrolyzed protein food? As a trainer I’ve had a few clients with some very sensitive dogs who have had good luck with the hydrolyzed protein food (one is on the PPP vet formula, the other is on the hills prescription z/d) it’s admittedly...
  5. K

    E-collar correction

    @jaenalyn It really isn’t that complicated. Dogs are opportunistic scavengers. Literally in its nature to scavenge. and you expect dogs to go against thousands of years of evolution? Not going to happen. But we evolved to be smarter than dogs. We have thumbs, we have bigger brains capable of...