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  1. D

    The teenage stage isn’t what I thought it would be

    @siahstaton36 I always imagined my teenage pup to have an emo hairstyle with a ‘you just don’t understand me’ attitude. It allowed me a sense of humour when I wanted to wring her neck 😂
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    Am I being unrealistic? (ACD in Apartment)

    @thanushpoulsen I have a huge yard but my girl never goes out there unless I am out there. They just want to be with you. If you can give them enough exercise elsewhere, cattle dogs actually do pretty well in apartments. My only concern would be apartment traffic/noises as they can be...
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    I was not prepared for adolescence!!!

    @wontbelongnow Best advice is to go back to basics… sit, stay, name recall. Try to keep a sense of humour about your angsty ’nobody understands me and everything sucks and I just want to be an individual…gahd!’ teenager. Also remember they are super-sensitive at this age and it will break...
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    Q&A I wish I had read when I was struggling with puppy blues

    @bubiboeller The bigger the pup the longer adolescence can last. Sometimes up to 2 years before they settle down.
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    Training help: Dog thinks recall command requires crotch punch

    @kathleenloveschrist My girl thinks everything requires a crotch punch 😂 Could just be a Heeler trait maybe?