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  1. D

    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod No i’m not saying that was your intention but I did see a couple comments here and a lot of people who do shave their dog right down to the skin believe this is okay because of the idea that it “helps keep them cool” which is why I brought it up.
  2. D

    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod General rule of thumb is to not expose the skin. The length that will expose skin varies from dog to dog. Some dogs can’t go shorter than a #4 without exposing skin while others are perfectly fine with a #7. It depends on their coat and how thin it is. A #4 could look just as short as...
  3. D

    Stop coddling your dog! You're the problem, not them!!

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I used to work with an animal behaviourist who always taught me to ignore anxious behaviour in dogs and lead by example with calm energy rather than petting the dog and saying “good boy/girl”. I’ve always seen better and faster results in dogs when following this advice...
  4. D

    Stop coddling your dog! You're the problem, not them!!

    @gellmannamnesia It’s honestly wild to see the difference in an “anxious” dog once their anxious owner leaves. And they pretty much never believe you when you tell them the dog was completely chill throughout the groom. My favourite clients are the ones who understand that once they walk out...
  5. D

    Staying in shape as a dog groomer?

    @ffm1967 I just do it right after work. I tried getting up early but it just wasnt for me. I find that as long as I get into my gym clothes right away and don’t sit/lay down after work, I’m fine. The biggest struggle is just getting to the gym/starting to work out. I cut myself some slack that...