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    Vet has recommended neutering to reduce aggression

    @scott1482 No worries, the weather has been terrible lately. It sounds like we enjoy the same reading material. lol
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    Repeated Calls

    @godswillservices What gets me is seeing the multiple missed calls on Christmas frickin' day. Y'all though we were here on actual Christmas? Or the people who call at exactly the time we open. We are definitely busy checking in the first round of clients and are not answering that phone...
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    Injured Shoulder, Advice?

    @cicion I really suffered from pain in my right shoulder from grooming. The pain was mostly under the shoulder blade if that makes sense. Definitely an overuse injury-I had been slammed for weeks. Rest wasn't helping, ibuprofen temporarily helped. Targeted therapeutic massage provided amazing...
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    Vet has recommended neutering to reduce aggression

    @scott1482 You might find this intersting: Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence I agree about spaying all females, the risks of leaving them intact don't balance possible benefits. As far as the effect...
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    Vet has recommended neutering to reduce aggression

    @manasseh77 Yes, it was about 20-24 month for him.
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    Vet has recommended neutering to reduce aggression

    @christiantonyb My guess is a knee-jerk reaction from the neuter-no-matter-what crowd. If anyone casting downvotes would like to comment on why my sharing my experince when asked is so problematic, that would be welcome. Particularly when I thought we were here to learn from each other.
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    Vet has recommended neutering to reduce aggression

    @roberthill1964 You summed it up perfectly. I think sterilization is the better choice for a majority of dogs but not every single one.
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    Vet has recommended neutering to reduce aggression

    @christiantonyb I have a 10 year old intact male German Shepherd. In my case the benefits outweighed the risks. While neutering eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and reduces the risk of non-cancer prostate diseases, those cancers are quickly and easily cured/treated if they become a...
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @otfl4jah Stop dematting these dogs! Owners won't wake up unless there are consequences(and education) for letting their dogs get matted; shave downs and higher pricing even if only a demat fee. As for those coats that the owner wants fluffy but is tangled all over but not badly matted, my...
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    I absolutely cannot wait until may

    @kaychelxav I hate to break it to you but those assholes are everywhere. Hopefully you'll find a nice little place that allows you the freedom to tell these kind of people to get bent.
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    How do I tell my parents I need to start charging for their dog?

    @khaellis My mom is like this. I charge her the lowest price I can without her being suspicious. Then I apply a "senior discount". I take whatever money she gives me and take her out to dinner or buy toys and treats for her pets.