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    not sure what I'm gonna do

    @ujjaljoy Fellow (new) Alaskan here with my puppies first winter! I live further south so it hasn’t gotten that cold yet, but we are bracing for it. After reading your post I hope her boots stay on 😬 I’ll be coming back to this post for advice if they don’t
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @jag She pees whenever we take her out. We usually take her out whenever she wakes up from a nap or 30 minutes after she drinks
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @jag We feed her in the crate during the day. She will eat and then fuss, but at least she eats. She is totally find taking a nap in there during the day. I put her in when she’s really sleepy and she might whine a few times but then settles and falls asleep. We hold off food and water 2 hours...
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    What’s your WfH set up with puppy?

    @arka When I first got my puppy I moved my desk downstairs into her puppy proofed room. It worked for a few days, but then she just started getting more and more needy and getting into trouble. I couldn’t stop working every 5 seconds to redirect her. After posting to Reddit and ranting to...
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @abusedrugtreatment Yes but only one hour behind, so it almost makes less sense
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @pazuzil Somehow the pen makes it worse for her. It’s like she has more room to throw a fit lol. But, I feel your pain. It’s so hard. We are in this together!
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @christiangal2015 Yes we do!! It’s so hard. No amount of research could prepare me for how mentally draining sleep exhaustion is. I knew I wouldn’t sleep, but that doesn’t prepare you to actually do it. It’s a struggle. And I totally agree, I feel soooo much better after reading comments of...
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @nacadee I am currently taking her out to potty when she wakes up and cries (not letting her out after she gets put back in the crate until she sleeps and wakes up again). Should I not be doing that and just setting alarms instead?
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @shell65 Thank you for the kind words! We are currently sleeping on the couch with the puppy right beside us. I don’t know if there would be really any difference in the bedroom vs the living room. Hearing that it gets better really helps though.
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @harris316 We tried the dog music, it seems to help a little. At least during the day. I guess I just need to push through it at night, and maybe sleep in another room and set alarms to get up and let her out. Right now we are only letting her out when we wakes up and cries (she does pee every time)
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @harris316 Her crate was in a separate room covered, but she screamed and howled once she woke up, so I moved it next to me on the couch but still covered. She still cries there too, but not the demon screaming of if it’s in the other room. I’m not sure if I should continue to try sleeping in...
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @grandjubilee She falls asleep beside us if she is out of the crate during the day time. When she does, I’ll always pick her up and put her in the crate. She sleeps for about an hour no complaints that way. The issue is, she has to be really tired to do that. And in the middle of the night (when...
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @phel240sx How do you get her to settle once she wakes up and goes potty? If she is sleepy, she goes in the crate no issues. When I know she is tired during the day I put her in the crate, she cries for a couple minutes, then sleeps. At night she just wants to play. She’s restless and takes...
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @nt4maximusd Thank you! The replies are so encouraging. I’m really trying to get through it, it’s just so hard. Working makes it so much harder too. I know it will get better, but my sleep deprived brain is emotional and doesn’t listen to logic sometimes. I’ll just have to push through it!
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @scottclaxton55 Thank you, I really need to hear this right now. I’ve never had a baby and this is my first puppy that I’m in charge of (my last dog I got when I was a kid so my mom took care of it). I don’t want to be upset with her. I know logically she is a baby. She is scared. I read all of...
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    Hey guys, I need some advice/to vent. If i could I would tag this crate training, puppy blues, and HELP!!! I just brought home our 8 week old puppy. So far, I’m really struggling. Im second guessing if it was a good idea. I waited on a waiting list for almost a year, and I drove over 2600 miles...