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  1. J

    How often do you confront dog owners of unleashed dogs?

    @pauls1015 You are totally valid in asking this question. I have no need to apologize for this person’s ignorant response, but I think this page and community is based on learning and sharing and it sucks that this person made it seem like you asking a question was such an inconvenience. It was...
  2. J

    I don’t like our dog but trying to change

    @hewhoshallnotbenamed Sounds like this hasn’t just been a two week ordeal, you’ve invested some time into this pup. First thing, I grew up with dogs, they were my “live” dolls and playmates. Think back to being a kid and having a dog, knowing how many lessons were learned, responsibility taken...
  3. J

    The Awful Life of a Puppy

    @farmchick I have offered and will here and there but I have my own dog and attend to her needs first (and my own as a college student & working). The roommate is pretty private & typically doesn’t ask for help with puppy & sees her effort to care for the dog as sufficient. I think overall I’m...
  4. J

    The Awful Life of a Puppy

    My roommate got a pitbull puppy who is now going on 5 months. To keep it short, this puppy spends about 22 hours in a kennel. Every day. 10 hours while owner sleeps/relaxes. 8 hours while owner is at work, in class or running around. Owner keeps puppy in crate even when she’s in the room with...
  5. J

    Why does my dog target my wife and her things for chewing, but not me or my stuff?

    @lilly159 I wanna say that since she was given to you, maybe she came with the tendencies to chew and was not taught not to… & whatever she was chewing at her previous home smells similar to your wife’s belongings.