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  1. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @prophetesst I've muzzle trained all my dogs, reactive or not, perfect dogs, too. There might always be a time it has to happen, and I'd rather not have that be the first time they wear one. I had a dog who never had any issues, but one rabies shot when he was 4 just didn't go well. The vet got...
  2. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @mecob3 One of mine got muzzled at the vet during preop for a surgery on his ear because as the sedation started to kick in, he was howling and trying to bite everyone. He's never tried to bite, and he's been there a lot. They were surprised. As soon as he came to afterwards, he was back to his...
  3. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @deerocks Right?? I had one that bit my neighbor several times, and the trainer didn't think he was a loss. To be fair, said neighbor kept coming into my yard and loudly threatening me, so my dog would attack him. But I wanted the dog to learn to listen to me and get to safety. Also, it made my...
  4. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @mjr88 We did anti anxiety meds briefly when we adopted our dog at the suggestion of our vet. They made him worse. I called the vet after a few days, and he was like, "okay, no more of those." Trainers advised BE even though he was never aggressive. His reaction was to hide behind me when faced...
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    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @telur1 That's where I learned I needed a larger muzzle for my dog. Great group! He doesn't bite - unless you're a face mask, shopping bag, children's mitten, piece of paper, or anything he could mistake for those. Okay, he doesn't bite those, either. He hoovers them straight into his stomach...
  6. C

    Neighbors turned yard into Sniffspot

    @calen My huskies would treat that thing like a stepping stone. I am surprised sniff spot allows hosting in a residential area with a fence that low. You said they also have a reactive dog? What are they thinking?
  7. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @dragonfyre Copied from my reply above, so forgive the redundancy "behavioural euthanasia" - putting a dog down because of how it behaves. It is, sadly, sometimes necessary, but it should be a last resort.
  8. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @enigmaticaptcha "behavioural euthanasia" - putting a dog down because of how it behaves. It is, sadly, sometimes necessary, but it should be a last resort.