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  1. R

    Torn on BE for my reactive puppy

    @huey507 This comment should be higher Some people here are suggesting these people tough it out for months with an aggressive, unpredictable dog. So - living hell on earth and hoping magically one day this dogs entire demeanor (we aren’t just talking about biting temper tantrums here folks)...
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    14 week old german shepherd X collie won’t sleep

    @caroburgh A lot of dogs need to be taught to shut off. Some breeds need a lot of exercise to be fulfilled. Not a one or the other situation. Might not be her dog. But people should be prepared to provide what breeds need - especially if their dog was bred to work for hours (hers is a mix of...
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    Torn on BE for my reactive puppy

    @janie1242 I visit multiple reputable farms per day for work and ag animals are absolutely NOT given the same amount of care as a dog in an affluent family. Absolutely not. You are way out of touch here. I am not sure if you’re referring to literal horse racing breeders - but in ag you make...
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    14 week old german shepherd X collie won’t sleep

    @caroburgh Just want to follow up on this With my herding breed these tactics are impossible because as a pup if I left him nothing to do he’d FIND something to do. Crate and pen were the only options What I will wholeheartedly agree with is you’re tackling two problems here: reducing crate...
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    Torn on BE for my reactive puppy

    @john55107 People don’t understand that rural people with livestock tend to treat their pet cats and dogs similarly to how livestock is treated. It goes back to the concept that a lot of people don’t know where their food comes from. When a cow has a broken leg - most farmers don’t pay to fix...
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    Torn on BE for my reactive puppy

    @bella_lee RT. It sounds like you have professionals advising BE. Some puppies are just wired wrong I actually work on a farm. They farmer has kids. We have guests frequently. I don’t know how to politely say this - but a farmer would have put this dog down like they would an aggressive bull...
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    Puppy at 6 weeks

    @parodyofjay The vet? lol. The vets job is to help ALL animals. The real villain here is your breeder. I’d run from that breeder. Any breeder getting rid of pups at 6 weeks is looking out for their wallet - not you nor your pups well being
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    1yo corgi reactive around his housemates

    @faith1st It sounds like you need to train Timmy. Like a lot. I mean start from scratch. he should be potty trained he should NOT be barking at everything he should be crate (or play pen) trained he should be trained to settle your other pets should not be suffering because of him You have a...