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    I was not prepared for adolescence!!!

    @wontbelongnow Oh god, mine is 7 month jrt. You saying it will get worse…?😭
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @kaccy My teacher used to tell us that people who never study tend to talk like they know everything- The more they learn, the more humble they become. I understand your frustration, I stumbled upon one of those "know-all" type of person several times as well. I wish they could gather around all...
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    How I've (new owner) spent $4629 on a Puppy in 4 months. Each purchase (or store run) list + rough breakdown at the bottom

    @monstershouter Totally! I got my puppy just 3 month ago, but can't no longer remember how I lived without her
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    I just love her so much

    @lifeword Those twinkly eyes! Fluffy coat!! She's super adorable, please give her ear scratches from me♥