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  1. J

    1.5 year old dog suddenly refusing crate.. please help

    @milkman93 Got it, I would suggest going back to basics then. Crate games, making it fun, and making going in and out a game will really help.
  2. J

    1.5 year old dog suddenly refusing crate.. please help

    @milkman93 Look into “crate games”. You can also build some intensity around wanting to get in/be in the crate by putting in a toy/treat he REALLY likes and then close the door and get him super excited, then let him in and let him get the super awesome treat but DONT CLOSE him in the crate yet...
  3. J

    My dog will not leave me alone when I’m having sex

    @spst I agree with @runningfromlawlessness that you will have to train this step by step. Definitely try just a hug or quick kiss and if she gives no reaction, give her a treat. Outside of this, work on a 'go to place' command. She has down, stay great so couple this with the 'go to' command and...
  4. J

    Need assistance walking past dogs

    @joshuawithmartin Came here to recommend CU! Helped immensely with my dogs reactivity.