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  1. M

    Crating guilt

    @ayoub77 Sounds like you have a good handle on everything!
  2. M

    Crating guilt

    @ayoub77 That will likely come when he's older. My boy couldn't consistently be left out until he was nearly 3. We once had a Golden retriever with horrid separation anxiety. She would destroy my house before we began crating her (she was our first dog and oh did we learn a lot from her!) and...
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    Crating guilt

    @ayoub77 Oh gosh, no. He's going to be fine! You're giving him a safe space to call his own while you're gone. While he's there, you know he won't get into the trash, chew something harmful, etc. Crates are healthy for dogs when they're done right. Mine loves his crate and will sometimes just go...
  4. M

    Considering getting a blue heeler, but I’m not sure if we’d be a good fit

    @aristilis They say heelers are velcro dogs - mine follows me everywhere and seldom lets me leave his sight, but he is not a snuggler. Not sure if that's mine or most cattle dogs. They are VERY active. Be prepared for lots of walks and play time in the yard. Herding balls are great! :) So I...