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  1. R

    I think my grandfather-in-law tried to poison my dog. What do I do?

    @livefaith He has to. He claims to have owned many dogs in his life.
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    I think my grandfather-in-law tried to poison my dog. What do I do?

    @mudhen Thank you! This is really helpful information. Based on this, she definitely didn't have enough to do any major damage.
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    I think my grandfather-in-law tried to poison my dog. What do I do?

    @theocrooks We set up our cameras to record while we ran our errands today. Luckily nothing happened. Grandpa never came out of his room. Although we were relieved, we are still concerned. We don't like the idea of leaving our dog out as bait when we leave, so we will probably lock her in the...
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    I think my grandfather-in-law tried to poison my dog. What do I do?

    @joel05 Yes! This is exactly along the lines of what we were thinking. We spoke to my fiance's mom, who is a big animal lover, about the situation. If what we suspect is true, and grandpa did something horrible to one of the dogs, he will no longer be welcome in the house. It's definitely...
  5. R

    I think my grandfather-in-law tried to poison my dog. What do I do?

    A little background: My fiance and I are currently living with her parents. My fiance's 90-year-old grandfather also lives in this house. There are a total of three dogs in this house. Our dog, a Boston/Pug mix, is the youngest of the group. The other dogs are a Chihuahua and an English Bulldog...