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  1. C

    3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

    @ajestrella OP Here - late to this response but I did want to chime in. Our dog was a little drowsy at first, but now she's back to her normal energy level (which tbh isn't much cus she's already a lazy dog lol). I do want to offer another perspective. I actually think as someone who has been...
  2. C

    3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Hi late to responding to this thread, but my dog is 25 lb and is on 20 mg! And yes I am working with a CERTIFIED behaviorist - lots of people out there who say they are behaviorists but have no certifications lol. I've also studied the book Click to Calm and used a lot of...
  3. C

    3 months of Fluoxetine - a completely new dog

    It's been around three months on Fluoxetine, and holy hell the difference is insane. Our dog is a rescue with a traumatic past, and has anxiety-based reactivity towards strangers - especially towards tall men. We've already noticed that she's more attentive, less barky, and overall way less...