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  1. R

    Doodle owners: Why????

    @jozymba here’s the thing, personally doodles are sweethearts I love them. It’s the owner.
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    Doodle owners: Why????

    @lnrosiana I KNOWWWW LMAO that’s always such a red flag for me then they always say now she hasn’t been groomed since December but I DONT WANT HER SCALPED
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    Doodle owners: Why????

    @shadow2 god this made me remember this lady who wanted her poodles head to look like a cube and after doing the best I could she looked at me and told me she couldn’t stand looking at her dog
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    Doodle owners: Why????

    I can say the universal doodle struggle is what binds us together. Cheers to us 🍷
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    E and C combs are not short!!

    @tmur I’ve had SO many doodles for through this. I get stuck with all the 5” dogs and slowly but surely all of them go a length shorter with every visit.
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    Advice for someone looking to become a groomer? I don’t know where to start but I want to put in the effort!

    @sankey I’m so glad someone else doesn’t have the energy to do anything after work. All I see online is being “that girl” (waking up at 5, doing nice office work, then going on a 5 mile run and cooking every meal for the day) I literally have to use my days off to prep for th entire week...
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    Doodle owners: Why????

    What do those people mean when they say “DoNt MaKe It LoOk LiKe A pOoDlE” what is the image you have in your mind???? 🐩 is that it??? What do you expect with you get a dog mixed with a POODLE???? a dog that doesn’t look like a poodle?????? No a puppy cut isn’t a thing no matter how many...