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  1. V

    Vet has recommended neutering to reduce aggression

    @sfender If you want to try neutering do the temporary chemical castration first, as it lasts a few months (double check me on this timeline, but I know it's temporary) and then hormone levels return to normal. You can see if it hurts his confidence and his reactivity gets worse. That being...
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    Humbled - training is NOT the issue or the answer

    @baohomotorprovn250932 Are you able to drive your dog somewhere else to walk? This has been a game changer for us. We drive to a nice expansive industrial park type area, but they also have fields between the buildings and lots of mice for our dog to smell, which she finds super fun. I am...
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    Fence covering ideas? I want one that 100% is a visual blocker

    @kghpilotskydive Happy to help! One thing I forgot to mention is that we bought the fence screen in October of 2020. Hopefully their turnaround times are still similar (or better) now than they were then! Also, make sure you also get some big zip ties to secure the screen to your fence.
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    Fence covering ideas? I want one that 100% is a visual blocker

    @kghpilotskydive I'm in the US (Wisconsin) and I checked my emails from them and it took 12 days to arrive.
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    Fence covering ideas? I want one that 100% is a visual blocker

    @kghpilotskydive Correct! The 400 series and any others that say "100% blockage" are not at all see through. It took me quite a while to find one like this, but I'm happy I kept looking as the "regular" somewhat see through ones didnt do much to help my dog.
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    Fence covering ideas? I want one that 100% is a visual blocker

    @kghpilotskydive We used this fence screen product which is 100% opaque thick vinyl. It's more expensive than the somewhat see through stuff, but you also get exactly the size you need, which is great for ease of installation. It's been a game changer for us...
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @mcpugh Our dog did this as well before she became full blown reactive. In hindsight (now that I know much more about dog body language) our dog was nervous and trying to tell the other dog to not approach. This didn't work because of us humans so then when the other dog got close she would...