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  1. R

    New breeder with questions!! (plus puppy pics)

    @mark0086 Thank you so much for the response! It's extremely helpful! Yes, we have been weighing them daily and keeping an extensive log, along with making sure everyone is growing 10% per day and noting every weight increase. So far everyone has been doing great and there haven't been any signs...
  2. R

    New breeder with questions!! (plus puppy pics)

    @mark0086 We have been working closely with our vet (and the vet we call at 3 A.M. when we freak out about minuscule things). So far, they all have been helpful, but I also wanted a breeder's perspective on these matters. I find multiple opinions to be very important when it comes to things like...
  3. R

    New breeder with questions!! (plus puppy pics)

    Hey everyone! My family's American Bully, Puff, had her first litter (10 puppies!!!) five days ago. This is our first time breeding, so we have lots to learn. I've already started setting up for the weaning process (though it's not for a few weeks) and for when they're up and moving. I had a few...