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  1. D

    First time dog guardian - he is getting neutered on Thursday. Please give me your tips. I think I have it all down but I am a tad anxious

    @kg706 You can look up surgical suits on Amazon in the meantime, it’s not something the clinic will likely carry. You can order it and have it ready in the meantime. (:
  2. D

    First time dog guardian - he is getting neutered on Thursday. Please give me your tips. I think I have it all down but I am a tad anxious

    @kg706 To-go-home sedatives form the vet to keep them down. Confine (ideally) to a crate, if not the smallest room you have. Watch the incision for redness, and yellow/green discharge. Pup needs to be coned whenever they are not within your immediate vicinity. Consider a surgical suit if he’ll...
  3. D

    Is Open Farms safe?

    @stella57 PPP and try their sensitive stomach formula.