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  1. L

    New puppy owner w/ 2 adult cats

    @littleangelone Thank you that does make me feel a little better. I just wish they'd adapt on my time lol
  2. L

    New puppy owner w/ 2 adult cats

    @r3g3nt Okay cool one of my cats has gotten pretty close to the puppy and they sniffed each other and the cat slinked away all low to the ground. But puppy didn't chase the cat so i hope that's a good sign.
  3. L

    New puppy owner w/ 2 adult cats

    Hello, I have a puppy who we've had on a trial adoption for 2 weeks. I know my cats are not happy - they hide in my bedroom (puppy isn't allowed in there) all the time now. The puppy has gotten close to both my cats who smelled him, and one of them has hissed at him. I'm afraid to sign the...