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    Neighbors turned yard into Sniffspot

    @calen Most people use sniffspot because they have reactive dogs, so once the customers realize you have a barking dog on the other side of the fence they’ll leave reviews saying so to warn others and it will keep a lot of people away.
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    Feeling like a failure - reactive doggo

    @tsheehan Thanks this makes me feel better about upping the dose.
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @ichraubeleute He’s about 45 lbs.
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    Feeling like a failure - reactive doggo

    @totallylovedbygod How much Trazodone do you give your dog for those situations? I’m working with our vet and a 100mg tablet doesn’t really do anything for my 50lb. dog. The vet said I can try 2 tablets but I’m hesitant.
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @sisyphe He’s estimated 3-5 years old. Exact age is unknown due to the rescue finding him as a stray.
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @seal87 Yes it’s also during the night, so he’ll wake me up 2-3 times during the night. It’s really taking a toll on me as it’s sometimes hard to fall back asleep after, so I never get much sleep. If it was only once during the night I’d prefer that.
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    RIP Murphy 3-1-2015 - 1-21-2023 (Recent Osteosarcoma Post)

    @brendabree So sorry for your loss. It sounds like Murphy was a wonderful dog and you gave him a great life full of love. You have lovely pictures of him.
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @cathya That’s good to know that it’s not abnormal. What about during the night? I’m having to let him out 2-3 times during the night as well, since he still wants to go to the bathroom every 3 hours usually.
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @spyderco His age is a bit unknown due to the rescue finding him as a stray, so he’s estimated 3-5 years old.
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @spyderco I guess I was thinking it’s too often because my previous dog would only ask every 5 hours or so. I don’t mind taking my dog every 3-4 hours during the day, but it’s really rough getting woken up 2-3 times during the night every night.
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    I think it’s an anxiety thing. He’s very persistent and won’t take no for an answer. Has anyone else experienced anxiety bathroom requests? How long does your dog go between asking to go out for the bathroom?