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  1. B

    (Repost with edit) What a difference a year makes…to new reactive dog owners, don’t give up hope

    @mjr88 Your post is a gift to all of us. Thank you so much for the advice and for reminding all of us that we can hold on to hope. My husband an I are seniors now and have a dozen dogs between us. Our current boy is our first reactive pup. Even as longtime and experienced dog parents, we were...
  2. B

    Help with my 7 month puppy’s sudden fear/reactivity! Night from hell

    @bereanmom I have a sheltie who, as a herder, is also quite sound sensitive. As an adolescent he also because quite concerned about household noises he had been quite habituated to (like the dryer or washing machine). It played out like a fear period often does with the reaction subsiding in a...