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    Guilty dog owner

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Ok. I leave him every other weekend for 2-3 days. He comes trotting out of the house when I pick him up. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. I’d leave them both but it gets expensive
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    Guilty dog owner

    She could. I honestly would rather go down there, as it’s nicer and I’ve been up here for two weeks and don’t really like where I live. Tried a diaper once w him and he tore it off. It’s more the behavior during the night. The first time we tired it, he got up every hour from 1am to 6am...
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    Guilty dog owner

    @jesus1983 I’m trying. I have had him since he was 8 weeks old and we have been through a lot together. He’s my first roommate. I feel bad for him after my ex left him, as she was his favorite. It’s hard balancing a life with having two dogs. I’m happy I get to work at home 4 days a week with them
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    Guilty dog owner

    Hi, fellow dog lovers. This has been weighing on me this week and wanted to pose it to a group of like-minded individuals. I received sole ownership of my 2 pugs (5 and 15 years old) as a result of my divorce and it’s been quite a challenge. I began dating a woman who lives an hour away and as a...