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  1. F

    Where are my shelter puppies at?

    @amn I got my puppy from Fund the Fur, a rescue organization in Arkansas. She was a bottle baby - found very young and the people at the rescue fed her with a bottle and kept her in an incubator. I fell in love with her the first photo I saw! Not sure of her breed as the rescue had no idea who...
  2. F

    Where are my shelter puppies at?

    @amn I got my puppy from Fund the Fur, a rescue organization in Arkansas. She was a bottle baby - found very young and the people at the rescue fed her with a bottle and kept her in an incubator. I fell in love with her the first photo I saw! Not sure of her breed as the rescue had no idea who...
  3. F

    I’m all about R+, but what do you do when your pup is being a stubborn little sh*t and wouldn’t just leave something dangerous?

    @sdr77 Same problem here and my house is completely open concept so I can’t really get away. I go into the corner and turn my back to her (so I’m wedged into the corner facing the wall) and stand completely still and silent. She either calms down and sits - in which case I turn around and give...