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  1. A

    Today a woman made a complaint about me

    @snorks4lyfe That's sounds weirdly like a husky that came into my old salon two years ago, the groomer couldn't even get him into the tub before he became very aggressive and she ended up having to hook him onto the far wall because when a person or dog got too close he'd scream his head off and...
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @jandi I had a guy show up an hour and half late and than get mad that we wouldn't "atleast" do the nails on his dog bc in his tiny mind he thought since we reserve 3-4 hrs for each dog he still had an hour and half to have something done and even after I explained that I took on a different dog...
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @noelp2015 Gotta bamboozle them sometimes, like when I accidentally found out a nippy puppy is like likely to bite you if you just put hand sanitizer on! I felt bad, but I was also like "well have we learned a lesson here?"
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @noelp2015 Lol exactly! I have a gorgeous standard poodle client that I basically let her get away with being late (and being a diva sometimes) bc she's a big realtor in my area so she tips really well and comes in every 3 weeks and is like "text me whenever I dont care", plus when people see me...
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @chris_1989 I don't mind so much if it's my request and I know they'll take care of me (like large tips and not calling every five seconds to see if their dog is done yet) but it seems a lot of new customers have this entitlement that I'm gonna just bend over backwards for them and their matted...