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  1. S

    Decided to let my dog with dementia go

    @streetpreachergirl Thank you for the kind words. My dog has been drinking water and eating okay but there are now signs where he would go to the bowls and just stare. It didn't make any sense at first but after reading about all of the symptoms, it seems that he is at times - especially when...
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    Decided to let my dog with dementia go

    @karyn Thank you so much for your support. The plan for Sunday (5pm is the "time") is to take him out to the field where he used to love playing catch (hasn't done that in over 2 years) and walk around a little bit and then spoil him with some human food which he also had in close to 2 years...
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    Decided to let my dog with dementia go

    @chozenwun The past weekend was what made me realize it was time. We went out to dinner for about 3 to 4 hours which usually isn't an issue. He may pee in the cage but that is something we can deal with. He may also at times poop in the cage as a result of his neurological diagnosis but...
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    Decided to let my dog with dementia go

    He is scheduled to be euthanized (in-home) this coming Sunday. I just joined this sub so I apologize if this is not the place to post this. My 16.5 year old male Jack Russell Terrier (Dexter) has progressive dementia or Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) and was diagnosed about a year and...