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    I’m so sick of entitled customers (rant)

    @worshiplady3 I've worked both and assholes are everywhere
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    What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?

    @clare100 It blows my mind when they're rude and insulting and then still expect to book again. I'm alone in my salon right now and I will literally tell people I have too many clients to be putting up with nonsense.
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    What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?

    @clare100 "Get them as short as possible!" Yeah, I wasn't gonna do that till you said something 😮‍💨
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    What customer comments made you want to literally reach across the counter and slap someone?

    @chaz1268 Good, she should feel bad. Attitudes like that are why I stopped making my own bandanas and bows. Now everybody gets the cheap, ugly, corporate branded stuff my salon orders.
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @aspiller1998 That's the only other one besides skunking that I can think of. And even then, depending on severity, a vet may be needed more than a groomer.
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @karosti Good advice! Soap them up really well first, let it set for 10-15 minutes, and only then use water to rinse. Repeat as necessary. I usually get the best results with a citrus shampoo. Good advice for fleas, as well.
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @aspiller1998 My favorite is when they say it's an emergency. Like, unless your dog got skunked, there is no emergency that JUST happened that requires your dog get groomed right now. Letting your dog get matted, having family/friends come into town, etc is absolutely not an emergency on my...