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  1. O

    I am so tired and distressed that my 10 m/o is eating EVERYTHING

    @grace302015 Yeah just get a good muzzle, I don’t even like the Baskerville ones. We have a JAFCO muzzle and it works wonders.
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    I am so tired and distressed that my 10 m/o is eating EVERYTHING

    @grace302015 I also agree with working on muzzle training. It sucks it gets to this point but a little time muzzle training and accepting he needs it vs. thousands of dollars on vet bills if something terrible happens. My sisters ACD mix is muzzled on hikes and does fine now but she had some vet...
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    still researching getting an ACD

    @lyanveness We tried the anti anxiety medications but it just didn’t suit our lifestyle. At one point everyone in the house was medicated including the dog and it was just something we moved away from for her. She was too sedated and we didn’t want to run her through every anti anxiety out...
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    still researching getting an ACD

    @lyanveness Oh man, a lot of time, patience, come to Jesus meetings, you name it. I know many people are against muzzles and prong collars but they were very important for us. Muzzle was on 90% of the time she wasn’t in the crate when we first moved in together a year ago for the safety of the...
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    still researching getting an ACD

    @tbarjr 100% ACD. Lived in an apartment her whole life and adjusted just fine. 2 walks a day and one long scooter ride (she runs along side me around 12 mph for 30 min) once or twice a week. Summer time in Colorado means that we hike once a week. Extremely chill now that she’s older but started...