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    How do you deal with the “Don’t worry! He’s friendly!” type of owners?

    @clothedinstrength Omg. Genius! Thanks 😆
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    My dog doesn’t let me sleep

    @coolbreeze22 Sound to me this dog does not know how to rest properly.
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    3 m/o F Rottweiler puppy won’t listen to us but will listen to our other dog (2 y/o F Pitt mix)

    @christiann00b That you should not make an idiot out of yourself with baby voice. It is useless, no information for the dog. Keep your voice calm and friendly. And imagine that baby voice on public while training.
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    3 m/o F Rottweiler puppy won’t listen to us but will listen to our other dog (2 y/o F Pitt mix)

    @christiann00b Nope. Keep the voice normal. More on the calm and happy side but do not make an idiot of you. (Trust me, training your dog on public later looks funny). Talk to her more through your body and correct motivation
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    3 m/o F Rottweiler puppy won’t listen to us but will listen to our other dog (2 y/o F Pitt mix)

    @christiann00b Are you readable for the pup? You know, the pit speaks the same language as she does. So naturally it is easier to communicate with other dog than her. Consider reading about dog-dog and dog-human communication and Calming signals by Turid Ruggas
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    My dog got out of her H harness. What should i do?

    @jasinswift There are harnesses that have extra security strap under belly, originally made for sighthounds. I know about Ruffwear Flagline but there surely are other models.
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    Best dog bed for super aggressive chewers?

    @acsula A VetBed/DryBed. It is fuzzy, warm and soft, yet dogs do not tend to cew on it as allegedly the rubber on the bottom is very bitter.
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    My dog got out of her H harness. What should i do?

    @bfg33 And super weak for bigger or pulling dogs.
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    Lepto diagnosis?

    @catholic_with_a_mic r/askvet + get opinion from other vet People here most likely cannot read values Iirc lepto causes lower alt, not higher, but otherwise, I can't really read much else. Lepto does affect liver and kidneys though. But I would not say that diagnostic was enough to prove...