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  1. H

    the barking during adolescence is driving me insane

    @ntenda Ugh I feel you. My pup was coming good and now is barking at everything on sight. I think adolescence has something to do with it as his balls are dropping at a massive rate so I’m just trying not to reinforce the behaviour and let him know that he won’t get what he wants by barking ie...
  2. H

    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @vanderdeken Enforced naps ftw. I just started my 8 mo puppy back on enforced naps and he is so much better behaved and only barks for about 5 seconds in the crate before going to sleep. He even sleeps better at night now! Enforce for as long as it takes I say!