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  1. R

    *VENT* Just because I use a prong with my dog doesn’t mean I think Every dog needs it or that I’m a bad or lazy dog parent

    @aegistoronto Of course! Extra points if you trained your dog to bark under command! More extra points if the command is "friend"!!! Just imagine the situation: stupid people start saying bs about your muzzle. Then you remove the muzzle and say "calm down boy, it's just a FRIEND"!!! LMAO
  2. R

    *VENT* Just because I use a prong with my dog doesn’t mean I think Every dog needs it or that I’m a bad or lazy dog parent

    @aegistoronto Actually, prong + e-collar is very common for mals and dutchies. Dude, just put some bandana around her neck and call it a day. People are very ignorant, sadly. If they complaing about the muzzle, just remove it. In front of them. Most will run away too quick to keep saying bs.