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  1. L

    Puppy at home while I work, suggestions?

    @beachbum211 I’ll add to my previous comment. My partner and I got a 3 month old labradoodle at Christmas. She works from home and I was working night shift (Im working 9-5 from home as of this week). I cannot imagine leaving her for 8 hours every day. Considering the attention and care she...
  2. L

    How often do you confront dog owners of unleashed dogs?

    @torrako What a chode
  3. L

    Puppy at home while I work, suggestions?

    @beachbum211 Wrong breed for you sounds like. Get a Bassett hound
  4. L

    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @carson4 Lmao. Sounds like you don’t want advice you just want people to validate your wrong opinion.
  5. L

    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @carson4 I think it’s pretty alarming that you’d even consider walking a dog off leash that you’ve only had for a month. You don’t even really know that dog yet. I’ve had mine for almost 2 years and she isn’t ever off leash except at dog parks or in yards.