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  1. C

    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @golgothaghostwriter I still don’t know what she is but we continue working. It is worth it.
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @hall Thank you for taking the time to write all that out. Muzzle training will be happening. I have a trainer lined up already. A martingale was suggested but she slip harnesses so that’s out. A choke collar is not something I have worked with so before I can even attempt that I would need to...
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    Do not use Farmer’s Dog! It can give your dog pancreatitis!

    @katherinej Ok. Thank you. I’ll look into ways to make food with less fat content. My little old man has had pancreatitis before. I can slow cook and sous vide healthier stuff to top his foods and hopefully keep some fats out.
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @hall I wanted to thank you. I wasn’t in a place to process all of this before. But after weeks of working with the dog and reviewing the advice, this was valuable. Your words are appreciated.
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @crimexx Crate training is a must in my life. Top of the list with the trainer when we go if I haven’t figured it out myself yet.
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    Do not use Farmer’s Dog! It can give your dog pancreatitis!

    @katherinej I want to occasionally make my dogs (mostly my picky old man) some topper type foods and the idea came from Farmer’s Dog type foods. But I cannot afford to buy the store food. I’m going to do some digging, but did the vet say what in the food was a factor in causing pancreatitis?
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @crimexx We work at it. She is still with me. We work on better and not perfect all the time.
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @justjem Muzzling is a good idea. Was in a pet friendly store and actually looked at one a bit wondering if there was value to it. Since we’ll be in the area of a local boutique pet store we may look into it today
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @kalenebari Thank you for this. It is something I do forget when I have a docile dog. Its not just certain dogs, its all dogs certainly that can bite or nip or misbehave. It puts things into perspective.
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    Need advice adding food to kibble

    @jb131 My boy sometimes doesn’t want more food. He manages most of his food but leaves a bit behind and he’s mildly underweight. I add an egg. You can scramble it, probably easiest. The biggest thing is if he wants more and the vet thinks he needs to gain weight you take their guidance. If he...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @kingdomwaygh Oh thats awesome that someone was able to help him in the end. I’m lucky that I have a network of ppl that want to step in if this doesnt work out for me.
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @divine_light777 I had heard mention of it but didn’t think of it. I will keep in mind that the behavior may change again as she settles. She has just about hit 3 months at the fosters so maybe she regresses again with me some. Maybe she converts well.
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @lidzia I’m suspecting a major age issue. Adolescence isn’t fun for anyone. As we have worked through these past weeks she has gotten better with many things. We aren’t out of the woods yet but know there is something else if we can get past the worst of things. We are working slowly. And we are...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @lidzia Someone else commented and explained the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months thing. Had heard of it some time ago but didn’t think of it. Will be keeping in mind that her behaviors may change with me over time.
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @sodaboy I haven’t done DNA testing as yet but she is improving at home and has made progress in many areas. The barking is reduced and forward progress is made on trained behaviors. She has shown enough good behavior that she is staying (that wasnt a question for me at the start but moving us...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @sodaboy Yes. Thank you for sharing. I have had different dogs in the past and boy have they been different. Working on training the dog in front of me. My boy comes running up and wants treats after loose leash time that she doesnt get yet (scaled a fence at the fosters so…) and he is all about...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @sodaboy Update: she definitely shows nibbling behaviors. She isnt trying to bite it seems. And it seems to happen more with play. But I can say she and I are working things out and she isn’t full on biting things. We have a trainer. We are working on the needed things. We have had some...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @sodaboy Its really crazy how different times are. I remember relatives having trained guard dogs that would nip at ppl and nothing was thought of it. Have relatives who have had small yappers that bit and broke skin but it was laughed off because it was a small dog and we were bigger kids, not...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @natsu I’m suspecting mouthy sorts of behaviors are semi normal until worked out. My girl now nibbles at times and I’m torn between thats not ok and its a sign of affection (in her case). Leaning towards what keeps her safe and reducing the behavior.
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    my puppy died today

    @rmbinsb The words don’t exist in me right now. I’m sorry you had to go through this.