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  1. S

    It gets better - I doubted it!

    @melsome this sounds exactly how my pup was for the first few months, and some days still! I tell my boyfriend all the time “don’t make eye contact” because then we’re done for 😂 stick to your guns on the training method you choose to do, whether it’s removing yourself from her every time she...
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    It gets better - I doubted it!

    @trenton So freakin cute. I wish my guy liked going for walks 😂 idk if it’s the winter weather or what, but he will walk about 1 house length and then just stop. We play lots of games inside 😬
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    It gets better - I doubted it!

    @ml5363 Oh I’m just savoring these moments until that happens. I’m sure it’s right around the corner for us 🥲
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    It gets better - I doubted it!

    @imagebeastmarkbeast The first day is so overwhelming!! You got this, stay consistent with whatever methods you choose to use and remember they don’t do the bad stuff on purpose, no matter how much it might seem like it. They just have a lizard brain for a while 😅✊🏼
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    It gets better - I doubted it!

    @arengs Yes!! We always say we can see the gears turning when he’s about to do something bad…he knows he shouldn’t, but his little brain just says screw it! 😂😭
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    It gets better - I doubted it!

    @vette Anything to get you through it! I’m imagining these floating over my pups head and I’m cracking up 😂
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    It gets better - I doubted it!

    @cosmos123 She is SO cute!! We still have our mornings too. After all this rain I specifically feel your pain on the muddy yard and poop 😂 stay strong, my friend
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    It gets better - I doubted it!

    Just wanted to pop in to say I feel every single person on this sub who is exhausted, crying, regretting, bleeding (shark teeth 🦈), cleaning up pee and poop all day, etc. We brought home our puppy at 12 weeks after having moved into our first home together only 5 days prior. I told my SO...