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  1. G

    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @caelesto any working breed will "nip" and be mouthy until you train them to not pull that shit with humans and instead redirect it to a toy. it takes a lot of training and a lot of work but in the end is worth it. good luck(sounds like you have a GSD mix)
  2. G

    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @sodaboy herding breeds are nippy and mouthy it is what it is. gentics will out will training every damn day. but if you give them work they will leave off herding the humans. I'm training my own 9 month GSD right now and this is week two so now I'm seeing the really HIm and the real him is...
  3. G

    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @caelesto Charlie was a GSD and they come in MANY colors not just black and tan