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    I won't be here to protect my sweet boy - PLEASE read

    @mnewyork I’m so incredibly sorry to read this. No one on this sub would think you’re crazy for worrying about this. This is my greatest fear with our pup. Did you get him from a breeder? If so, many breeders will take their dogs back when the owner can no longer care for him. I wish I...
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    Help with Puppy

    @phoenix1 A healthier alternative for puppies are No Hide chews so you might want to try those. They come in a variety of flavors. Our puppy loved them when she was young but lost interest when she turned 2. Our vet highly recommended them.
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    Help with Puppy

    @phoenix1 Unfortunately, no. Our pup isn’t really into chew toys. We give her bulky sticks (but need to do it sparingly since those are high calorie). We used to give her antlers but she chipped a tooth.
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    Good news!

    @markat Congratulations! So happy all your hard work is paying off.
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @mfhorn Im going to preface this with the disclaimer that I’m definitely not a puppy raising expert - if I were, our pup wouldn’t be reactive. 😀 Our dog was our first ever dog and we got her at 8 weeks old. Looking at your schedule it does seem like your puppy may be over exercised and over...
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @joshuamotari Mine is a girl so luckily doesn’t mark. I have her pee & poo off to the side of the graves when we first get there, then we go walk. That being said, I’ve kind of gotten over the “disrespectful” part of it after walking in the cemetery for a while. Most of the graves have lots of...
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    How does everyone manage the shedding?

    @faithpalm Ours, too. I thought I’d hit a jackpot of the world’s only nonshedding GSD. Then all of a sudden she blew out her puppy coat and has never stopped shedding since. 🤪
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    Help with Puppy

    @phoenix1 Low effort is feeding by throwing kibble on your lawn or using a snuffle mat. Sniffing is mental exercise for dogs and reduces stress. Huge fan of Nosework. A short session tires our dog out. It can be done in your house or yard and the “equipment” is inexpensive. If you have the...
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    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @vikimahauty Second all of this, especially the recommendation for Mighty Mutts. Teapipp - I had a “behaviorist” (the quotes are intentional) also recommend I BE our at the time 6 month old GSD based on seeing a video of her behavior. Thank goodness I went with my gut and ignored her. Our pup...
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @aceaxes As counterintuitive as it sounds, you should walk him less. As aforestfruit said, he’s likely trigger stacked. Replace the walks with mental stimulation and calming activities. The behavior is stemming from him being over threshold and being unable to control his emotions. Sniffing...
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    Realistically, what will a behaviorist do that my regular vet cannot?

    @fernando1999 We found going to a vet behaviorist absolutely worth the effort and money. She was able to prescribe much more specialized meds than our usual vet, and follows the side effects much more closely. The traditional meds just didn’t work for our pup. Several made her much more reactive...
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    Realistically, what will a behaviorist do that my regular vet cannot?

    @fernando1999 Do they mean a behaviorist or a vet behaviorist? A behaviorist is like a human psychologist. They specialize in understanding dog behavior and reading their body language and developing specialized “therapy” to help the dog overcome whatever psychological issues it may have. A...
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    (Repost with edit) What a difference a year makes…to new reactive dog owners, don’t give up hope

    @preservetheson Our treadmill has been such a lifesaver. Our pup will put herself on it if she’s anxious and needs to jog off some stress. You can sometimes find them used on resale sites like OfferUp. One note, you have to train dogs to use them because many get scared of the noise and movement...
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    (Repost with edit) What a difference a year makes…to new reactive dog owners, don’t give up hope

    @panda01 It is a hard journey being a reactive dog parent. Your pup sounds just like ours - a complete love bug, but socially inept. About your comment that you feel like a failure when he has a reactive episode…I know this is easier said than done, but you aren’t a failure. A huge thing our...
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    (Repost with edit) What a difference a year makes…to new reactive dog owners, don’t give up hope

    @thebloodqueen I look and sound like a complete lunatic on our walks, so I know exactly what you mean. 😀 In case it helps, the game changer that helped us reduce the distance was moving to BAT training instead of relying strictly on LAT. Being able to make her own choices on distance seemed to...
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    Success- Yellow leash tags

    @jessemini14 What a wonderful idea! Thank you so much for sharing. Ordering a couple right now.
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    (Repost with edit) What a difference a year makes…to new reactive dog owners, don’t give up hope

    @bfastpool I totally agree - our pup has made us better people in general, and definitely better pet parents. As hard as it was, I’m kind of glad our first dog was reactive. The lessons she taught us will make us so much better for our next dogs. I’m so glad you and your pup found each other. It...