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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @bruins37 We’ve been keeping the window closed and A/C running for this reason, want her to sleep as much as possible.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @sheryrits So i let her out whenever she asks and its been at least an hour from her last pee. I don’t want her to get a UTI or pee in her crate. She only just got here and she did it on her own so i think its fine.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @serahmbarak I can’t wait for those days, adolescence and all.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @anxiousanddepressed She’s pretty awake after 7, she did it again tonight, but another hour would be ideal. I don’t want to push her too much too soon. I feel super lucky about what i’m getting.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @mindysimmons 😓 i’m sure she’ll get there!
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @calvinandhobbes Lucky you! Ours definitely was not there at 2mos
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @shell369 Happy Cake day! And Yes we’ve been doing this since week 9, but those early days it didn’t really matter, we were going to be every hour or two. But it’s slowly building. I normally take her pee. Then play for 5 minutes then inside to calm down then in the crate. I don’t want her to...
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @roseonathorn Yeah. She’s definitely teething and testing limits as she grows. So lots to learn, but at least i feel like its possible now. It felt like this day would never come.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @mian195 Haha. Ours only had 3 accidents inside total in 5ish weeks. 2 were our fault, we thought that the other person had taken her out. 1 we had guests and she got so excited she peed in the foyer.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @theemcon Ugh. It would be amazing!
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @mrpete1939 Agree! Cheers to you internet stranger friend! 🥂
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @mrpete1939 We did 5 hours a couple if nights ago, so hopefully its close for you also. I hope it keeps up also!
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @heart4him4ever I honestly wondered at times whether this day would ever come.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @heart4him4ever I remember these days of 4 weeks ago. 4 hours felt amazing at the time when it was every 90 minutes to 2hrs that i was up.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    @belarius We’re running A/C like a mofo to keep her cool in her crate. Had to break out the duvets to not freeze ourselves.
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    We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

    13 w/o puppy I woke up to her asking to be let out of her crate to pee and it was 7 HOURS later! I slept for 7 straight hours and so did she (or least was very quiet the whole time). I could cook her a steak for breakfast I’m so happy with her.