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  1. J

    It’s always the damn squirrels…

    @redemption777 I don't know for sure, no expert here, but I've seen my older heeler chase the younger one and I think it's almost a 'prey' thing. Your situation is odd, for sure. My heelers chase and kill squirrels too, but the younger one is the one that does the stalking and the catching...
  2. J

    Happy update about ACD mix puppy

    @ams59 These dogs can be crazy challenging, but so worth it in the end. It sounds like you are beginning to see that. It also sounds like you are doing all the right things with and for him; he's a very lucky dog to have you.
  3. J

    5 month old puppy possessive of me when I try to give our other dog attention

    @youwantmetodowhat That sounds like good advice, but... We have a red that does this. Get's between you and the blue heeler every time. Get's between you and the grandkids too. And she is the new arrival, not the older one. Probably the owner's fault, but there it is...