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  1. N

    Should I ask my vet about my dog seeming hungrier lately?

    @cathya I will, thanks! Her regular semi annual checkup is in November so I will just probably keep an eye on her appetite and any other small changes until then
  2. N

    Should I ask my vet about my dog seeming hungrier lately?

    @cathya She is approximately 6-7 but could be a year or two older, and is no breed (street/village dog)
  3. N

    Should I ask my vet about my dog seeming hungrier lately?

    Hi! I have a small (16-17 lb) dog of no particular breed. I feed her Hills Perfect weight food formulated for small dogs, and she gets 45 g food twice a day plus treats/ supplements for joint and dental health. I weigh her food out and her weight has been steady and she’s been a healthy babe...