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  1. O

    Looking for advice for 6 month puppy

    @blessedheart I’m sorry you have to give her up but while you live with your mother you have no other option. It’s the most loving thing you can do for her.
  2. O

    Looking for advice for 6 month puppy

    @blessedheart You cannot make this dog an outside dog. It’s a domesticated companion animal. It is part of your family. I’m very sorry, but you need to rehome your dog if your mother won’t agree, because it’s no life for your puppy otherwise. And to force it to transition after being an inside...
  3. O

    level 4(?) bite, no warning. Need advice please

    @scottwilson Just want to add my 2c that medication has been helpful for my two anxious reactive rescues. To be honest they’re still a bit stressful to deal with at times, and lately I’ve been thinking we might just never be able to have people over again. They’re mostly fine but on two...