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  1. G

    Why do people feel the need to act like judgmental assholes toward people and dogs they don’t know??

    @searchinggod I would have clapped back in a heartbeat if he hadn’t biked away immediately like a coward. I moved to my city from Philadelphia and people there don’t act like that to strangers because you don’t know who’s gonna go Philly-nuts. But here, people are all passive aggressive and the...
  2. G

    Why do people feel the need to act like judgmental assholes toward people and dogs they don’t know??

    My Doggo is about 2.5 years and an absolutely adorable spaz. He’s leash reactive, and barks at noises all the time, and haaaaates furry things/creatures/people with suspicious hair on the TV. I got him for free from a box when he was 4-weeks old, and I worked really hard to socialize him, but...