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  1. R

    " Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

    @oldthennew Eaxctly. We know our dogs! Im not discounting the original commenters experience of small dogs attacking his dog because i do think some small dog owners fail to train their dogs thinking they dont rly have to since small dogs are easier to control. But also, ‘average-size’ dog...
  2. R

    " Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

    @larrygeratyjr Or we pick them up BECAUSE they are already reactive or because your huge dog is unleashed and untrained. Its always easy to be all chill with a big dog when yours can literally trample ours. Ive had enough bad experiences, similar to a comment above u, to not even hesitate about...
  3. R

    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @patricia1213 Just wanted to say u are a trooper for caring enough for a strange animal to actively help out! Most people would just go ‘not my dog not my problem’ or be too worried about the niece getting angry to do anything. U are a great person and i want to thank u in the dogs’s name for...
  4. R

    " Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

    @that1starfish Oh god, story of our (reactive dog owners) lives! I just wanna scream at them rly. Like U dont know my dog! U see him for 2min on a walk and think its so cute when he whines and pulls, because he makes u feel special like some sort of dog whisperer. U dont realise he does that to...